Most people today have heard that exercising is a great way to shed some extra pounds. However, have you ever thought to yourself whether or not it was worth going through “all that hard exercise” just to lose a few pounds and if there were other benefits that come from exercising that would help “outweigh” the all the effort put into it?
There’s great news! Did you know that physical activity helps you to achieve more than just losing weight? In fact, doing moderate exercise has been proven to help increase endorphin levels, which are your brain’s “feel-good” neurotransmitters, reduce stress, relieve headaches and sluggishness caused from staying in one position for too long, boost brain activity, and improve your quality of sleep. Exercising has also shown to help against depression (the world’s second leading cause of disability- WHO) caused by stress encountered from day to day life.
So the next time you go out to exercise, remember that it will not only help you shed some pounds but will also give you one of the greatest energy boosts that will help brighten up your day!
The post The Joy of Exercise appeared first on NEWSTART.